APT Trades

APTs are available to buy and sell on the AthleteX DEX. The fee for each trade on AthleteX is 0.3% of the total trade amount. Liquidity providers earn 0.25% and the protocol earns 0.05%.

Swapping APTs

Swapping on AthleteX routes trades through the AthleteX DEX. Swaps require an input currency and an output currency. The AthleteX DEX supports trades between AX and APTs. Future developments will support APT buys and sells between any ERC20 cryptocurrency.

The AthleteX DEX is a custom AMM adapted from the Uniswap V2 AMM.

Providing Liquidity

A benefit of the Decentralized Exchange model is anyone can deposit liquidity to earn commission. When a user trades on AthleteX, fees from the trade pay liquidity providers proportionately based on their share of liquidity in the pool. For example, if a user has 10% of the liquidity in the pool they earn 10% of the LP fees generated on that market pair.

Market Prices

The Market Price of an APT changes as users buy and sell on the AthleteX DEX. When users buy the Market Price appreciates and when users sell the Market Price depreciates. The market price of an APT has no impact on the redemption price of APTs. Since users redeem collateral based on the APT Book Value, the AthleteX DEX serves as a prediction market for the price of an APT at expiration.

Last updated

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